Wednesday, January 7


So I'm sitting in class right meow, Jonny D has shotgun on our writing adventure. teach seems like he wants to be here as much as the rest of the people in the class. "I haven't slept for 10 days.... cause that would be too long" RIP. the man will not remove his jacket because he will be leaving promptly at the end of class. no questions please, I have somewhere to be. just doled out the 1st assignment.... 3 pages.... single spaced... somebody is fuckin with the period font size in his paper. this man loves trees....


and figuratively

anyway, the man seems to not want anything to do with teaching this class nor does he seem like he is qualified to teach it. this is gonna be ra ta did

more to come in the future


Royal said...

Heres the thing.
My 305 prof sounds like she is terrified. Me and Harden chillin in class listening to her basically tell us that we are going to be evaluated on what we write for different classes.

WINNING. even though she fears 20 something's

Drama said...

winning fo sho. too bad i got this capstone research paper due at the end of the year too plus trevor foley's happy ass assigning papers all nimply bimbly